Manage Yet Another Commit Checker
Install, update, uninstall, and disable the Yet Another Commit Checker app from the Manage Apps page.
Log in as an Administrator and click the Administration cog located in the top-right corner of any Bitbucket page.
When the Administration menu bar opens on the left side of the page, click Manage Apps, located under the ADD-ONS heading. The Manage Apps page opens.
From the list of apps, click Yet Another Commit Checker to expand the entry. This contains the version, vendor app key, and license information. You can also perform multiple operations relating to Yet Another Commit Checker.

Update Yet Another Commit Checker
An Update Available message and the Update button appear beside the app name if an update is available. Click Update to proceed.
Get Started
Opens the Yet Another Commit Checker documentation page.
Opens the YACC global push hook page.
Click Uninstall in the Yet Another Commit Checker entry. The Uninstall app? dialog opens.
Click Uninstall app to remove Yet Another Commit Checker.
Disable Yet Another Commit Checker
Disabling Yet Another Commit Checker removes the functionality from your Bitbucket project but does not uninstall the app.
Disabling or removing Yet Another Commit Checker does not delete any data associated with the app. When Yet Another Commit Checker is enabled or reinstalled, any existing data related to the app becomes available.
Click Disable in the Yet Another Commit Checker entry. After a moment, the What happened? dialog opens. Optionally, select a reason for disabling the app and add a comment. If you want someone to contact you for further details, leave the option selected. Click Send feedback to forward this information to Appfire Support.
Once the app is disabled, the Disable button is replaced with Enable. Click Enable to resume normal operations.
Downgrade Yet Another Commit Checker
There are situations where it is necessary to downgrade the app to an earlier version. If this is the case, perform the following operations.
Uninstall your current version of Yet Another Commit Checker.
Go to the Yet Another Commit Checker entry in the Atlassian Marketplace. Click Versions > See All Data Versions to open the Version History page.
Locate the Yet Another Commit Checker version you want, hover over the entry, and click Download beside the version.
Once the .jar file has successfully downloaded, return to the Manage Apps page in Bitbucket and click Upload app.
Click Choose File, navigate to the downloaded file’s location and click Open.
Confluence does not allow you to install a lower version of an app without uninstalling your current version.
Confirm downgrading to an earlier version is necessary before proceeding. Contact Support if you have any questions.